Learn About the Olive Harvesting Process at Korte Ranch

The Harvest

Olive harvest time occurs in November, when the olives are just starting to ripen. They turn a lime green color before they darken to black. Our olives are picked by hand and milled within 24 hours of picking. All of our olive oil is Extra Virgin. The Arbequina and Tuscan olives are picked and milled separately.
The olive harvest is great fun. We are so fortunate to have our friends and family help with the olive picking. We use both hands and rakes to strip the olives off the branches. Once a tree is fully stripped, all the olives are dumped into ½ ton bins. It is quite a social event. The crew is rewarded with a sumptuous lunch with plenty of great Zinfandel and Petite Syrah wine from the Ranch wine cellar.